Living Portraits service by Clara Lupino

Clara understands how – when applied correctly - these permanent procedures can enhance self-confidence and help you to project your confidence from the inside, out. It’s so important to find a practitioner who is a natural artist.

What people are saying.


“If you want tattooed eyebrows, then, in my opinion, you won't find anyone to better Clara Lupino”

“Only trust the very best; it’s your face after all. Recommendations are so important and I highly recommend Clara Lupino.”

“Having my eyebrows tattooed by Clara was one of the best things I’ve ever done”

“Clara’s approach was both professional and creative from the start. She made me feel very relaxed in her studio. ”

Why opt for Micro-dermal Pigmentation?


Whether you have thinning eyebrows, hair loss due to a receding hairline, chemotherapy or conditions such as alopecia, unsightly scar tissue, or have had a nipple removed, you can choose to correct it with the help of Clara Lupino.

Imagine being able to wake up every day with a restored, youthful hairline, beautiful nipples, perfect eyebrows, eyeliner or perfectly balanced, rosy lips that look so natural nobody will know your secret. Imagine being able to wave goodbye to eyebrow, eye-liner and lip-liner pencils, confident in the knowledge that your make-up is always there 24/7, no matter what…Clara Lupino is the artist who can make your imaginings a reality.

Why choose Clara Lupino?


Having a permanent procedure is empowering and liberating for so many reasons; it can have untold positive effects on each client. The aim is for renewed self-confidence. Clara not only has an expert eye for detail, she will give you the time, patience and kindness you need to feel safe and listened to from the first initial chat. Clara understands how – when applied correctly - these permanent procedures can enhance self-confidence and help you to project your confidence from the inside, out. It’s so important to find a practitioner who is a natural artist. As a born and trained artist, Clara Lupino’s skills are second-to-none.

Clara has a First Class honours degree in Contemporary Art and decades of experience as a practitioner. With a special talent for portraiture, Clara understands Colour, Form, Aesthetics and Anatomy and has been expertly placing pigments under the skin to create permanent Body Art and Living Portraits since her training almost two decades ago. Clara is well aware that every face and every body is uniquely informed by its underlying bone and muscle structure – she can advise you as to the very best options for your face. Each procedure is a bespoke procedure, styled and customised according to each client’s wishes, accompanied by Clara’s expert advice. Clara does not use the prescribed standard colours created by the semi-permanent make-up industry. With an expert understanding of the colour wheel and an ability to create specific palettes, she blends and mixes her specialist mineral pigments to suit the client’s skin tone and hair colour, she can also advise on colour-match options, promising a beautiful, natural result.

Before and After


Clara’s studio is a Health Registered, sterile environment in compliance with all local authority byelaws. Sterile, single-use disposable needles are used for each client. Clara is fully licensed and has specialist insurance for all body tattoos and every micro-dermal pigmentation procedure. Within a relaxing atmosphere created by essential oil fragrances, natural incense, fresh flowers and scented candles, Clara allows ample time for discussing your needs, exploring several visual options and explaining the procedure, drawing onto your skin free-hand and having you consult the mirror several times until the desired visual effect is created. Clara is friendly, patient and understanding, treating you as she would wish to be treated – after all, this is a permanent procedure and you need to know your wishes are going to come true exactly as you wish them to... Clara is more than happy to make as many alterations as you require at the drawing on stage so that you are 100% confident that you are going to have what you want for life. Clara applies a topical anaesthetic prior to inserting pigments, ensuring you will feel minimal discomfort throughout the procedure. Clara reminds you that you are in control of how you feel and can take a break if need be. Some clients even find the tattooing process relaxing. After the procedure, the skin may be a little raised and red but it settles after just a few hours. Nobody would know you’ve just had permanent make-up applied if you decided to return to work or meet friends for a night out. The pigment simply appears darker than it will be when it’s healed. Clara offers aftercare support and aftercare advice so the healing process is optimised.

Bespoke Permanent Make-up Procedures


Permanent make-up will not smudge - It’s great for women who like to swim, jog, dance and sunbathe until they perspire, confident in the knowledge that they don’t have panda eyes, balding alien brows or lips that seem to disappear.

It’s also wonderfully empowering for women who have allergies or poor eyesight – it feels so good waking up each morning to professionally applied make-up which delivers round-the-clock natural, everyday beauty, as opposed to ‘party make-up’ (which is easy to apply on a whim as required over the top of Clara’s natural enhancements). Another not insignificant benefit is that busy women who have Permanent Make-up suddenly become so much more “Time Rich” – giving them back the hours each week that were stolen from them in attempting to perfect their lips, eyes or brows. (No excuses not to indulge in that relaxing facial after your work-out – and you will look gorgeous during and immediately after too!). It’s so easy, you just shower and go.

Brow enhancement

Wake up to life-long, no-fuss, natural-looking brows. Enhance, extend or recreate beautiful brows, with individual colour-match & style options, applied with fine hair strokes to give a more youthful effect with a stunning shape that will get you noticed. You really can defy the elements, perspiration, over-plucking, passionate embraces; even medical conditions and boost your self-esteem with perfect brows! Clara has no need for stencils or standard transfer designs – every brow is created completely freehand with Clara’s natural creativity and expert attention to detail. Each bespoke pair of eyebrows sits elegantly in place to work with your own bone structure and is made up of hundreds of fine hair-strokes, often using several, subtle tones, just like natural brows. With your beautiful new Clara Lupino brows, you will be free to swim, snowboard, jog, dance and make mad, passionate love until your heart’s content, secure in the knowledge that your eyebrows are the perfect frame to every expression. No matter if you have been over-zealous with your tweezers for years or have no eyebrows at all due to a medical condition such as Alopecia, or the after effects of chemotherapy treatment, Clara can recreate elegant eyebrows that will restore your self-confidence. Defects and glaring imperfections can easily be corrected. Clara offers a corrective procedure for clients who have has the misfortune of having their brows tattooed incorrectly.

Eye Liner

Clara offers a range of colours and style options for upper and/or lower eye liner, from glamorous vintage-style "flicks' to very subtle eyelash enhancing micro-dots.

Lip enhancement

Clara can correct or enhance your lip line to create a fuller, more even pair of oh-so-kissable lips.

Beauty Spots and Freckles

Have Clara Lupino give you a Marilyn Monroe beauty spot for that extra little bit of intrigue. Or go for a few sun-kissed freckles to authenticate your cheekiness!

Bespoke Restorative Procedures:

Sometimes - and especially when we feel that life has delivered more than its fair share of upsets - we know exactly what we need in order to feel we are heading in a positive direction. We need to give ourselves that certain boost to our self-esteem in order to feel we are stepping out in confidence. Clara Lupino understands that how we see ourselves is crucial to our sense of well-being. Whilst it's true that self-confidence comes from within, it isn't easy to feel it if we feel we are without the essential ingredients that others maybe take for granted. Only you know you and you can give yourself permission to gift yourself with what you feel you need for the duration of your life's journey into self-confidence.

Hairline Restoration

By carefully placing pigments in a series of micro-dots, Clara can create the effect of a fully restored hairline for those experiencing male-pattern baldness. The result is a natural-looking shaved-style, which can take years off your perceived age and has a more authentic appearance than transplants, or hair pieces. Clara can also correct scar tissue within the scalp, which can be blended in with your natural hair colour.

Scar Camouflage or Scar Decoration

With Clara's expert knowledge of colour blending and corrective pigments, its possible to colour-correct most scars after the healing process. Clara can also decorate your scar to recreate your body map with beautiful designs,

3-D effect Areola Restoration

Clara can recreate nipples which look beautiful and natural for clients who have experienced mastectomies. It's also possible to create an areola which matches an existing nipple. If you are feeling more adventurous, Clara can create a heart-shaped areola in natural tones or even decorate the breast with patterns, lace or natural botanical designs.